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AU2700 Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

Creating more efficiency for high volume laboratories, the AU2700 automates chemistry testing and provides extended walk away time.

This high-speed analyzer delivers true random access testing with up to 1600 photometric test results per hour (up to 2133 results with electrolytes) and up to 51 tests on-board. Consolidate with Beckman Coulter's 125 test menu, including chemistries, special chemistries, urine chemistry, specific proteins, esoteric chemistries and tests for therapeutic drug monitoring, drugs-of-abuse, and thyroid function.


With the newest Beckman Coulter advances to increase ease of use, the AU2700 delivers efficiency to meet real world lab needs.- 


• Proven reliability and low maintenance
• Refrigerated reagent compartment and STAT module
• High-quality, permanent glass cuvettes
• High-precision microsampling
• Proprietary precision optics
• Long-life ISEs
• 300-sample continuous rack loader
• Twin sampling technology and twin cuvette wheel



AU5800 Specifications


Analytical System

Fully automated, random-access clinical chemistry system with STAT capability

Analytical Principles

Spectrophotometry and potentiometry
Assay Types

Endpoint, rate, fixed point and indirect ISE
Analytical Methods

Colorimetry, turbidimetry, latex agglutination, homogeneous EIA, indirect ISE
Simultaneously Processed Analytes
48 photometric tests + 3 ISE
Up to 2,133 tests/hour with ISE
Sample Types
Serum, urine, other
Rack Sampler
Racks with 10 samples each (bar-codes on primary tubes and on
racks); capacity of 300 samples; continuous loading
Sample Tubes
In primary and secondary tubes; diameter from 11.5 to 16 mm;
height from 55 to 102 mm
STAT Samples
Up to 22 positions for STAT samples, bar-coded primary tubes
Sample Volume
1.6–25 μl in 0.1 μl increments (1 μl for repeats)
Reagent Supply
Refrigerated (4°C–12°C); 48 positions for R1; 48 positions for
Reagent Volume
R1: 15–250 μl; R2: 15–250 μl (1 ul increments)
Total Reaction Volume
120–425 μl
Reaction Cuvette
Permanent hard glass cuvette
Reaction Time
Up to 8 minutes, 22 seconds
Reaction Temperature
Photometric Range
0–2.5 OD

13 different wavelengths between 340–800 nm
Linear and non-linear (linear interpolation), refrigerated calibrator
Quality Control
Auto QC, cooled QC positions
Data Processing
Calculated parameters, blank value correction and correlation.
Definition of normal value range, measuring range, pathological
values and repeats. Quality controls, printout of abnormal values,
pending sample work list and repeat run sample list

Test Requisition
Individual and profile test requisition online, mouse, function keys or
optional touch screen
Clot detection and crash prevention for sample and reagent
Full uni- and bi-directional communication possible
Windows 2000

Data Storage
Up to 60,000 patient samples
Dimensions (W x H x D) in
79 x 39 x 33 (2,000 x 1,000 x 840 mm) analyzer only
Power Supply
100 V; 110 V; 200 ; 210 V; 220 V; 230 V; 240 V; 50 Hz;
60 Hz/6 kVA
Water Supply information
Water Consumption: 65 L/hour
Water Type: Deionized CAP Type II, Bacteria Free,
Continuous Flow Supply
Repeat Run
Automatic dilutions, also increase/decrease sample volumes, no
operator intervention required
Reflex Testing
User defined
Automation Predilution
For Urine and other samples



by Beckman Coulter

© 2016 by Atlantic Laboratory Services.

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