Olympus Introduces Optimized Magnesium and Iron Reagents
Melville, NY - The Diagnostic Systems Group of Olympus America Inc. has introduced optimized formulations of its Magnesium and Iron reagents standardized for use on its full line of automated chemistry immuno-analyzers, including the AU400TM, AU600TM, AU640TM, AU1000TM, AU2700TM, as well as the new AU5400TM system. The optimized Magnesium reagent has seven-day on-board and seven-day calibration stability with increased linearity to 8 mg/dL. The new optimized Iron reagent has 60-day on-board and 30-day calibration stability. The new Iron reagent also has reduced interference from extremely elevated globulins, such as those found in myeloma patients.

The optimized Magnesium and Iron reagents are stable, ready-to-use liquid formulations. Olympus reagent cartridges are bar-coded, providing greater operator convenience by enabling automated on-board reagent management. The new Magnesium kit has 160 to 250 tests per cartridge, depending upon the Olympus AU series model. The new Iron reagent is packaged in two kit sizes-small, with 300 to 500 tests per cartridge or large, with 595 to 970 tests per cartridge.
The Diagnostic Systems Group, a business group of Olympus America Inc., provides clinical chemistry and lab automation solutions to hospital, commercial and pharmaceutical diagnostics laboratories. Annually, over one billion clinical chemistry tests-about one in four-are performed on Olympus analyzers in the U.S.
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